Wednesday, October 16, 2024

WooCommerce Inventory Management Plugins List

WooCommerce Inventory Management Plugins List

Stock control is basic to deal with your business and your main concern. Contingent upon the sort of items that you sell, deficient or non-presence following can influence lost benefits, item termination, or failure to be ready for occasional variances. In the event that you sell items on a WordPress site, WooCommerce Inventory Management Plugins can assist you with keeping away from migraines brought about by not following your stock.

Dealing with your stock is an undertaking that can seem scary to even prepared site proprietors. Today we’ll help you out with an outline of a few WordPress stock modules that as of the formation of this article are tried up to the most recent rendition of WordPress 4.9.8.

5 WordPress stock modules to deal with your stock effectively

Hoping to deal with your item accessibility? These six WordPress stock modules will make you ready.

  1. WP Inventory Manager.
  2. ATUM Inventory Management for WooCommerce.
  3. Woocommerce Product Stock Manager.
  4. Stock Synchronization for WooCommerce.
  5. WooCommerce Availability Notifications.

Peruse on to get familiar with the WordPress stock modules that will assist you with better following the things you sell on your site.

WP Inventory Manager

This module’s site expresses that it’s “like a shopping basket without the intricacy of a truck.” You can oversee stock, show it on your site (on the off chance that you need it), and the free form furnishes you with the essential instruments you really want.

It is likewise tried with Mac Firefox, Mac Safari, Mac Chrome, PC Safari, PC Chrome, PC Firefox, iPhone Safari, iPad Safari, and PC ie7. WP Inventory Manager has no restrictions on the things you can store and make due.

The capacity to oversee items through this WordPress stock module makes stock administration pretty straightforward.

Key highlights

  • Upholds different classifications.
  • Completely adjustable names.
  • Templating framework makes customization simple.
  • Set authorizations for who can add or alter things.
  • Utilizes separate information base tables for quicker data set admittance.
  • Engineer cordial with snares, channels, and utility capabilities.


  • Very much upheld.
  • Easy to use point of interaction to control item show.
  • Engineer cordial and adaptable.


  • Add-on expected for “cutting edge” stock administration.
  • Add-on expected for import/trade.

ATUM Inventory Management for WooCommerce

WooCommerce, however extraordinary as it seems to be, can pass on a ton to be wanted with regards to something that ought to be guaranteed — stock administration. ATUM has been explored as one of the unaccounted-for pieces that WooCommerce ought to have out of the container.

This is one of the most component-rich WordPress stock modules I found in my audit cycle. The elements are various — beyond any reasonable amount to list here! Here is the essential outline:

Key elements

  • WooCommerce full stock administration.
  • Stock measurements (periodical deals, stock levels, lost deals, promotion deals).
  • Stock focal with information sent out, stock logs (saved stock, lost in post, client returns, inbound stock, distribution center harms).
  • One-page refreshing, speedy cost changes, stock levels markers, providers, buy requests, and premium additional items.
  • Stock/stock channels, new item class channels, additional drop-down channels, and new segment arranging.
  • Full help for WooCommerce variable items.
  • See stock count sums for chosen items.
  • Gadgets for deals, lost deals, orders, and promotion deals.


  • All WooCommerce items are on one screen.
  • Immediately mass alters the item cost and item deal cost including the date scopes of deals.
  • Buy orders with PDF send out.


  • Unable to view as any.

Woocommerce Product Stock Manager

WooCommerce Product Stock Manager is a WordPress stock module that permits you to oversee stock for items and their factors from one screen. For simple reference, you’ll have another connection point that rundowns your items and varieties alongside their stock properties.

Key highlights

  • Stock amount tones with low, out, and in-stock.
  • Items can be channels by item ID, item name, and default arranging.


  • Easy to understand stock arranging accessibility.


  • Presently doesn’t follow stock by weight at the parent item and loads of every variety. (The engineers are thinking about this element for future deliveries.)=

Stock Synchronization for WooCommerce

In the event that you use multi-channels, Stock Synchronization allows you to synchronize your WooCommerce stock with your outside stock record. Synchronize your stock via consequently refreshing your stock amounts from an outer stock record. This WordPress stock module synchronizes items in view of SKU. So on the off chance that your item has a special SKU, the module tracks down the SKU in the .csv document and updates your stock.

Key elements

  • Synchronize your stock data.
  • Every day, two times a day to day or hourly updates.
  • Works with documents that require certifications.
  • Viable with various items.


  • Synchronize your item costs.
  • DropBox and Google Drive Support.


  • Impractical to synchronize the deal cost right now — however, the engineer said this could be presented in ongoing deliveries.
  • The module isn’t tried with WordPress multisite.

WooCommerce Availability Notifications

WooCommerce Availability Notifications empowers your WooCommerce-controlled site to have redone stock accessibility notices for in-stock, low-stock, unavailable, and delay purchases. This helps set client assumptions for conveyance for every one of your items’ ongoing accessibility.

Key highlights

  • Redo your item stock accessibility warning for every item in WooCommerce.
  • You can tweak item stock accessibility notice for in-stock, low stock, unavailable, and delay purchase.
  • You can likewise set this on varieties.
  • Capacity to set alter text style tones and textual style loads for every warning for in-stock, low stock, unavailable, and raincheck.


  • Mass alter your item varieties accessibility notices.
  • Upholds WPML-similarity.


  • Support has all the earmarks of being flighty.

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